Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Just a few months ago we received notice that the County of Oxford has chosen to no longer provide the Ontario Early Years program effective March 31, 2012.  For those of you who were at the program here in Drumbo this notice brought great debate, both the parents and child care providers that attented the program were baffled.  The Drumbo Opportunity Centre was ringing with discussion as to why they would take this great program away from our growing future. 

Funding for the Ontario Early Years program is provided by the Government of Ontario and the County of Oxford, with local programming also supported by community partners.  It was stated in a news release on November 21, 2011 that over the coming months the Ministry of Children and Youth Services will consider options for the continued delivery of Ontario Early Years programs in Oxford County.

I hope this statement rings true and they will continue to deliver the Ontario Early Years program here in Oxford County.  I truly believe that the children benefit from this interactive learning before they start school.  It not only helps them get ready for the structured day of learning and play that school provides but also the social interaction required for the classroom atmosphere, especially for those areas that have taken on the "all-day every day" kindergarten program like Drumbo.  I believe this program is worth fighting for, if you agree let's have a voice!!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Village on a Diet Week 3

Well folks here we are in week 3 of our new adventure.  The results are clear, we are starting to lose momentum and as you can see by the chart I am just as guilty.  Lets remember why we are doing this, to create a healthier life for ourselves, with healthy eating and exercise and lets not forget the great cause we are fighting for.  I think we could all take this week as motivation to kick butt next week, I know I am!!  On a more positive note congratulations to Randy for winning this week with a percentage loss of 2.24% well done Randy!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Village on a Diet Week 2

Here are the results from last weeks weigh in.  Congratulations to Ron for winning this week with a 2.26% loss, the team lost a total of 33.5 lbs!  Keep up the great work team.

(Click chart to enlarge)

Monday, 16 January 2012

Village on a Diet Week 1

We are off to a great start with a total weekly weight loss of 66.2 pounds!!!  The first winner of the $30 weekly prize is Tamara with a 9 lbs, 3.88% loss, great job Tamara.  I will be posting 2 weekly charts, one of the individual % Lost for the week and one of the individual % Lost to date.

 (click chart to enlarge)
Remember we have an anonymous donor that has graciously offered to donate $1.00 per pound lost to cancer research.  This is motivation in itself for me as I lost my aunt to cancer this past summer, so along with the anonymous donor I will be donating $1.00 for every pound I lose as others have chosen to do as well.  Keep it up team!!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Thankful for our Firefighters!

It was only a few weeks ago that a Drumbo fire truck was responding to a crash on the 401 where it was hit from behind by a transport truck, sending both the driver and one of the volunteer firefighters to hospital with minor injuries. 

While on seen this morning responding to numerous vehicles in the ditch a transport truck lost control and collided with one of the fire trucks.  Numerous people were sent to hospital with minor injuries, thankfully no one was seriously injured.  Please keep our firefighters and emergency responders safe, slow down, adjust to weather conditions and be aware of Emergency Vehicles and personnel.

Slik Driving Conditions Cause Accident on 401 by Drumbo Cutoff

It happens every year, with a mix of abrupt weather change and drivers not anticipating the slippry road conditions! 

An accident this morning on the 401 involving 6 vehicles has caused traffic to be redirected throught Drumbo.  My husband was among the redirected traffic and as he made his way to Kitchener on the 7 & 8 a truck/SUV flipped onto it's roof just meters ahead of him.  So to everyone on the roads this morning I wish you a safe commute and hope those involved in the accidents are ok!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

JK/SK Registration for 2012-2013

My daughter Lily is starting kindergarten!  If you have a child who will be joining Lily this September in either JK or SK, registration is Monday January 23rd - Friday February 10th.  Registration is by appointment, for more information use the link to left "Blenheim District Public School".

Friday, 6 January 2012


How many times have you heard that someones New Year resolution is to get into shape and lose weight!  This year Frenz Hair Studio from Bright has taken the initiative to help some of those people reach their goal by starting their very own Village On A Diet!  I am proud to say I have joined this three month venture along with some of my friends and family.  I look forward to the challenges ahead and all the support that will be there to help us along the way.   First weigh in is today!  I will keep everyone posted on my progress as well as a group total weight loss as motivation for others.  Good luck to everyone in meeting their 2012 New Years Resolutions!!!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


My heart goes out to the friends and family of those lost in this tragic fire.  It is times like this when support of those around you can mean so much, please know that your community is there for you and sending our thoughts and prayer your way.