Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Just a few months ago we received notice that the County of Oxford has chosen to no longer provide the Ontario Early Years program effective March 31, 2012.  For those of you who were at the program here in Drumbo this notice brought great debate, both the parents and child care providers that attented the program were baffled.  The Drumbo Opportunity Centre was ringing with discussion as to why they would take this great program away from our growing future. 

Funding for the Ontario Early Years program is provided by the Government of Ontario and the County of Oxford, with local programming also supported by community partners.  It was stated in a news release on November 21, 2011 that over the coming months the Ministry of Children and Youth Services will consider options for the continued delivery of Ontario Early Years programs in Oxford County.

I hope this statement rings true and they will continue to deliver the Ontario Early Years program here in Oxford County.  I truly believe that the children benefit from this interactive learning before they start school.  It not only helps them get ready for the structured day of learning and play that school provides but also the social interaction required for the classroom atmosphere, especially for those areas that have taken on the "all-day every day" kindergarten program like Drumbo.  I believe this program is worth fighting for, if you agree let's have a voice!!

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