Friday July 20th - 6:00pm to 12:00am Adult Lounge
7:00-11:00pm Co-Ed Baseball
Contact: Chad Harmer 519-532-3616, Reds Fastball Team
Burgers and hot dogs available at the booth
Home run derby preliminaries.
7:30-8:00pm Kids Scavenger Hunt - Meet at the park playground
6:00-8:30pm Auction Sale
Donated and consiged items greatly appreciated.
Viewing 6:00-6:30pm Auction Starts at 6:30pm
Contact Lawrence Clark, 519-501-4174 for further info.
Following the Auction
8:30pm Umpire's Dunk Tank
Calling all ball players!!!! Come and try to dunk your "favourite umpire". The victims are:
Darrel Ford, Jim Harmer and Kyle Smith
Sat. July 21
11:00am-1:00pm McMuffin Breakfast
Egg, Ham and Cheese on a bun with coffee/juice. $5.00
Hickson Pavilion
All Day co-ed baseball home run derby finals 1-2pm. Come and cheer for your favourite slugger
Beach Volleyball Tournament at the park $30.00 per team
Contact: Jim Harmer 519-462-2331
Family Fun Brain 101-Family learning about our brains with Amy Roth from 10-12pm.
Meet at the pavilion
Fire fighters demonstration on the practice diamond 1-3
Holstein Buddy bikes on the practice diamond-all day
5:00-7:00pm Dinner
Beef BBQ Adults $15, Children 5-12 years of age $6 Preschool no chrage. Tickets:
Contact Heather Lovie 519-562-1312 or any Lions Member
7:30pm-1:00am Open Air Dances
Free all ages dance from 7:30pm-9:30pm
Adult Dance from 9:30pm-1:00am DJ-Double Dutch
Tickets at the door - $10/person
**Age of Majority required***
Contact Name: Heather Lovie
E-mail: click here to email
Phone: 519-462-1312